Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy

Unlocking Visual Potential with Our Vision Therapy Services

Vision therapy is an effective treatment modality for both children and adults. Vision therapy is a type of treatment that you may need if you experience visual discomfort, blurred or fluctuating vision, double vision, tracking difficulties, or difficulties processing visual information.

80% of classroom learning is related to functional vision.  So if your child is one of the ONE IN FOUR children who struggle with functional vision, you can bet that classroom learning is going to be a huge challenge.

An assessment with Eyevaidya Eyecare is the best way to determine if you are a candidate for vision therapy.

How Often Are Eye Exam Needed ?

Eyesight is about more than just 20/20 vision. Visual acuity is important, but only refers to your ability to discern shapes and details 

— it’s just one factor in your total vision. Other visual skills are just as important.

Vision therapy is unique to every patient and customized just for you by an optometrist. The goal of vision therapy is to address issues that cannot be solved through corrective lenses alone. 

To find out more about vision therapy, get in touch with Binocular vision clinic.

Fostering Essential Skills Through Vision Therapy

Unlocking Visual Potential with Our Vision Therapy Services
  • Mastering Oculomotor Abilities: Vision Therapy assists in refining oculomotor skills, leading to improvements in areas such as reading efficiency, eye-hand coordination, and focus. This optimized performance can contribute to various activities, from simply catching a ball to maintaining sustained attention for a longer duration.
  • Enhancing Eye Teaming Capabilities: Eye teaming skills concern aspects like convergence and divergence, depth perception, and how rapidly and effortlessly your eyes align without fatigue. Vision Therapy alleviates symptoms like headaches and eye strain, rectifies issues like lazy eye, improves endurance for reading, and enhances depth perception for tasks like computer work.
  • Developing Binocular Proficiency: As patients cultivate good binocular skills through vision therapy, they discover how to coordinate their eyes effectively and benefit from two well-functioning eyes.
  • Bolstering Visual Perception: Enhancing visual perception through Vision Therapy can lead to the development of stronger visual problem-solving skills, such as enhancing visual memory, mitigating spatial confusion and letter reversals, and improving handwriting and reading comprehension.
  • Vision Rehabilitation: It plays a critical role by providing a path to rehabilitate and restore vision strength, helping patients reclaim their daily routines and lead fulfilling lives.

Symptoms of Binocular Vision Problems

Get the best vision therapy instruments


The goal of vision therapy is to improve your quality of life through vision. We will customize a program that fits your needs. Treatment may consist of both in-office work and at-home exercises. 

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