Pterygium Surgery
What is Pterygium
Unwanted Tissue Growth Over The Cornea
A Pterygium is a fleshy growth that grows from one corner of the eye and starts encroaching upon the cornea. It starts from the edge of the eye. The rate at which it grows can vary greatly. Sometimes it grows rapidly enough to warrant a procedure and other times it takes years before anything needs to be done. It is overall a harmless growth and does not have any long-lasting negative impact on the eye.

Pterygium is an overgrowth of your conjunctiva tissue, and it’s usually caused by:
- Long-term exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun
- Eye irritation from hot, dry weather and wind and dust
- Long term dryness
- History of chemical burn
Sometimes, there are none—it just shows up. Sometimes, before it appears, you might notice a related growth called a pinguecula.
When you do have symptoms, they can include:
- A raised pink growth on your eye that may keep getting bigger
- Red, irritated, or swollen eyes
- Dry, itchy, or burning eyes
- A feeling that you have sand or grit in your eye
- Eye watering and tearing
- If the pterygium grows onto your cornea, blurred or double vision
Treatment For Pterygium

Sometimes a pterygium can become red and irritable. If this happens, soothing drops (for example, lubricating eye drops) can be obtained over the counter to reduce the redness. Occasionally, a short course of steroid eye drops is used if the pterygium becomes inflamed.
2. Surgery is the last option and is only considered if the pterygium interferes with vision, causes persistent inflammation or is progressive (getting worse).
Benefits of surgery :
The benefit of the surgery is to remove the pterygium. This can result in improved vision if the pterygium is causing astigmatism (a scan of the eye will show if this is the case). The main benefit is the reduction in discomfort or irritation.