Pterygium Surgery


What is Pterygium ?

A Pterygium is a fleshy growth that grows from one corner of the eye and starts encroaching upon the cornea. It starts from the edge of the eye. The rate at which it grows can vary greatly. Sometimes it grows rapidly enough to warrant a procedure and other times it takes years before anything needs to be done. It is overall a harmless growth and does not have any long-lasting negative impact on the eye. 

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Pterygium are known to be associated with the following:

  • Sunlight exposure – pterygia are more common in populations near the equator and in people who spend a lot of time outdoors in hot weather. Excessive exposure to the ultraviolet radiation in sunlight is thought to be the cause.
  • Dusty or sandy environments – long-term exposure in dry and windy locations is thought to contribute to the development of the condition.
  • Age – risk increases with age. Estimates suggest that about 24% of indian men over 40 years have the condition.
  • A combination of factors – pterygium may be caused by a number of the above factors working in combination.
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You might not feel your pterygium at first. You might only notice a raised, fleshy, wedge-shaped growth at the corner of your eye. When symptoms do develop, they can be mild to severe. They might include:-

  • Inflammation and swelling (conjunctivitis).
  • Redness or bloodshot eye.
  • Dry eye.
  • Watery eye.
  • A feeling like there’s something in your eye.
  • Eye itching.
  • Eye burning.
  • Eye pain.

Over time, you might also notice:

  • An increase in the size and spread of the lesion.
  • Difficulties or discomfort with contact lenses.
  • Vision changes, like blurred or double vision.

Treatment for a Pterygium

against ultraviolet radiation
  • Early Phase
  • Wraparound sunglasses are recommended
  • To stop or slow down the pterygium’s growth.
medications only ease symptoms
  • Early Phase
  • To treat minor irritation
  • Use lubricant Eyedrops
treatment to remove a pterygium.
  • Late /Advance Phase
  • Surgical removal of Pterygium
  • Post-op Medication & Follow Up

What to expect during Pterygium Surgery

The surgery is a very quick procedure lasting less than half an hour. You’ll be lightly sedated to ensure that you’re relaxed and comfortable. Your eye will be completely numbed and although you’ll be aware of your surroundings, you won’t be able to see.

The surgery consists of removing the pterygium and replacing it with a graft of tissue, which is glued into place. There are no sutures and the procedure is completely painless. Because of the medications you’ve received, you won’t be able to drive yourself home. You might be slightly groggy from the sedation but you will be given some medications for discomfort, should you have any.

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