Comprehensive eye exam

Comprehensive Eye Exam​

Get your eye check up 

Comprehensive eye exam each year is the best way to enjoy good vision throughout your life. Many eye and vision problems have no obvious signs or symptoms. As a result, individuals are often unaware that problems exist. Early diagnosis and treatment of eye and vision problems are important for maintaining good vision and eye health, and when possible, preventing vision loss.

What Happens During An Eye Exam?

At the beginning of the exam, we will ask you about your eye health history, any symptoms you are currently experiencing, and whether you have allergies or take any medications. If you wear contacts or glasses, you should bring them to the appointment. We will also inquire about any previous eye surgeries you have had as well as your family’s history of eye problems. All of the information that we gather during this discussion helps us understand you and your needs better.

Next, some or all of following tests will be performed: 

  • Visual acuity tests to measure your distance and near vison
  • Color blindness test
  • Cover test to evaluate how your eyes work together
  • Ocular motility testing to evaluate your eye movements
  • Depth perception test
  • Tests to determine your eyeglass prescription and lens power (if applicable)
  • Visual field test to look for any blind spots in your visual field

These tests should not be painful or intrusive. We will explain what we are doing every step of the way.

Just Make An Appointment!

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