Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is refractive surgery.

This means you can choose to have the best vision after cataract surgery with less dependency on glasses, if premium intraocular lens are used and astigmatism is carefully managed. Many clinics and private Ophthalmology Consultants only offer standard cataract surgery using non-premium intraocular lens and no astigmatism management.

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Cause Of Cataract : 

Age is one of the major contributors to the progress of Cataract in your eyes. Due to advancing age, the transparency of the clear lens starts to decrease gradually, slowly progressing to form a Cloudy Cataract.

Along with age, there are some other causes that act as an accelerator to the clouding of eyes. Check out these other causes influencing your clouded vision,

  • SmokingSmoking
  • AlcoholAlcohol Consumption
  • DiabetesDiabetes
  • Usage of steroids and moreUsage of certain medications such as steroids
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Symptoms of cataracts include:

  • Clouded, blurred or dim vision.
  • Trouble seeing at night.
  • Sensitivity to light and glare.
  • Need for brighter light for reading and other activities.
  • Seeing “halos” around lights.
  • Frequent changes in eyeglass or contact lens prescription.
  • Fading or yellowing of colors.
  • Double vision in one eye.
    At first, the cloudiness in your vision caused by a cataract may affect only a small part of the eye’s lens. You may not notice any vision loss. As the cataract grows larger, it clouds more of your lens. More clouding changes the light passing through the lens. This may lead to symptoms you notice more.
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Surgery is the only way to get rid of a cataract.

Cataract surgery is a quick, painless surgery to remove a cloudy lens that’s causing vision issues. You receive a new intraocular lens that also corrects nearsightedness and farsightedness. You only need surgery if cataracts keep you from doing your usual tasks. Surgery improves vision for 97% of people. Most people don’t have any complications.

What to expect during Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a daycare procedure, the patient can go home the same day. Usually, it is done by putting drops or sometimes by injecting local anesthetics. The duration of the stay is around 2 hours. After surgery, some medications will be prescribed to be used for 4 weeks. One can resume daily activities after 5-7 days.

Advantages of doing Phaco-emulsifiaction Catarct Surgery

It’s a Micro incision surgery
Faster recovery
Less chance of complication
No need for injection or sutures
Can resume all normal activities 3-5 days later


Monofocal Lens
For only Distance or Near vision​
  • Acrysof IQ (USA)
  • Aurovue (India)
  • Acrysof SP (USA)
Multifocal Lens​
For Distance And Near vision Both​
  • Alcon Pantopix (USA)
  • Tecnis Symphony (USA)
  • Tridiff (India)
EDOF Lens​
For Improved Distance & Near vision​
  • Vivity® (Alcon), USA
  • Tecnis Eyhance®, USA
  • Isopure® (PhysIOL), Belgium

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